TikTok analytics

TikTok Analytics provides insights into your performance, revealing top-performing posts, audience demographics, and growth trends. Analyze insights to tailor your strategies, make informed decisions, and maximize content impact.

Your secret weapon for TikTok success awaits; let's dive in! 🚀

In this article:

Accessing TikTok Analytics

Step 1: Navigate to Analyze from the dashboard.

Step 2: Go to "Social Analytics," then click "TikTok" in the left panel. This opens up your TikTok analytics dashboard.

💡 Keep in Mind

  • To use TikTok analytics, it is recommended to reconnect your TikTok account. For more details, read Reconnect a TikTok Account.
  • Upon connecting your TikTok account, ContentStudio starts gathering metrics and insights, which are displayed after a single refresh (Ctrl+Shift+R).
    • If there are multiple tasks in the queue, the refresh might take a few minutes for the data to be fetched.
  • Due to TikTok API limitations, ContentStudio is only able to fetch data on the videos that are public to everyone.

Analytics Dashboard

Once you're in the TikTok Analytics section, you'll notice there are two main tabs to explore: the Overview Tab and the Posts Tab.

Overview Tab

Here, you get a high-level snapshot of your TikTok performance. The Overview Tab provides key metrics and trends at a glance.

  • Your first TikTok account is selected by default, but if you have multiple pages, you can select any of them from the dropdown.
  • Select a date range to analyze; the default is the past 30 days. Predefined ranges are also available for quick selection.

Overview Cards

As you explore the TikTok Analytics dashboard, you'll see several informative cards, each packed with essential data about your TikTok account. Each card contains:

  • Total count
  • Net increase or decrease as compared to the previous time period
  • Percentage rate of change as compared to previous time periods

N/A: means that the data is not available.

Following are the key metrics offered by ContentStudio

  • Followers: The total number of people following your TikTok up to the end of the selected time period.
  • Following: The total number of accounts you are subscribed to on TikTok up to the end of the selected time period.
  • Videos: The total number of videos published on your TikTok account during the selected time period.
  • Video Views: The total number of times your videos have been watched up to the end of the selected time period, regardless of their publication date.
  • Engagements: The total number of engagement actions (likes, comments, and shares) on all the video posts published during the selected time period, based on their lifetime performance.
  • Likes: The total number of hearts received on all the video posts published during the selected time period, based on their lifetime performance.
  • Shares: The total number of times all video posts (published during the selected time period) have been forwarded to others or shared on different platforms, based on their lifetime performance.
  • Comments: The total number of comments left by viewers on all the video posts published during the selected time period, based on their lifetime performance.
Followers Trends Graph

The graph has two views:

  1. Cumulative Followers Trend: The graph examines the overall growth or decline in TikTok followers over time, aggregating daily changes to show a running total throughout the selected time period.
  2. Daily Followers Gained: This graph shows the number of new followers gained on each specific day during the selected time period.
  • X-Axis: Date range
  • Y-Axis: Number of followers


  • TikTok API limitations prevent fetching historical data for Followers count so:
    • For Existing Accounts: The data will be fetched from January 31, 2024, onwards.
    • For New Accounts: The data will be fetched from the day their TikTok account is connected to the content studio. For example, if you connect your account on February 12, 2024, you won't see data before that date.


For more detailed view, you can expand graph using the expand icon on the top right corner of each graph and also can Zoom in and out for more detailed view.

Engagement Trends Graph

The graph has two views:

  1. Cummulative Engagement Trends: Examine the overall growth in engagement metrics (likes, comments, and shares) throughout the selected time period, aggregating daily changes to show a running total, regardless of the post publication date.
  2. Daily Engagement Activity: Inspect the day-to-day engagement metrics (likes, comments, and shares) received each day during the selected time period, regardless of the post-publication date.
  • X-Axis: Date range
  • Y-Axis: Number of Engagements


  • TikTok API limitations prevent fetching historical data for Daily Engagement count so:
    • For Existing Accounts: The data will be fetched January 31, 2024 onwards.
    • For New Accounts: The data will be fetched from the day their TikTok account is connected to the content studio. For example, if you connect your account on February 12, 2024, you won't see data before that date.
Video Views Graph

The graph has two views:

  1. Cumulative Video Views over Time: Track the cumulative count of video views throughout the selected time period, aggregating daily changes to show a running total, regardless of the post publication date.
  2. Daily Video Views: Analyze the day-to-day video views received each day during the selected time period, regardless of the post-publication date.
  • X-Axis: Date range
  • Y-Axis: Number of Video Views


  • If a person watches the video once and then revisits the page, leading to additional views, each subsequent view will be counted as an individual video view. It's important to note that repeated views from the same account may be flagged as potential robotic activity.
  • TikTok API limitations prevent fetching historical data for Videos Views count, so:
    • For Existing Accounts: The data will be fetched January 31, 2024 onwards.
    • For New Accounts: The data will be fetched from the day their TikTok account is connected to the content studio. For example, if you connect your account on February 12, 2024, you won't see data before that date.

Daily Posting Pattern vs Engagement Analysis Graph

Assess the relationship between your daily posting frequency and subsequent engagement metrics over the selected time period.

This graph provides valuable insights into the impact of your posting frequency on key engagement metrics such as likes, comments, and shares. On the left side of the graph, it displays the number of videos, and on the right side, the total number of cumulative engagements, including all the likes, comments, and shares.

  • X-Axis: Date range
  • Y-Axis: Number of Videos and Engagements


  • This graph illustrates the engagement of a video on the day it was posted within the selected time frame. All engagements on that video during that specific timeframe will be displayed on the graph corresponding to the day the video was published.
    • For example, if the post was published on 29 January 2024 and there is an engagement (like, share, or comment) within and outside that selected time frame, that engagement will be shown on that bar on the same date.
  • The data for this graph will start to be fetched from when the TikTok account was created.
Top and Least Performing Posts

This section showcases the most engaging and least engaging content published within the selected time period, providing a quick snapshot of your account's performance dynamics.

Hovering over each card displays the individual details like this:

Posts Tab

Now, let's swing over to the Posts Tab. This is where the minor details live. Here, you can dissect the performance of individual posts. View engagements, likes, comments, and shares of each post separately, and you can also sort the data in ascending and descending order using these metrics (engagements, likes, comments, and shares).

By clicking on the post, you can view more engagement details:

Save and Analyze Your TikTok Analytics

The Export button in the analytics dashboard provides a convenient way to extract and save your analytics data for further analysis or reporting.

By clicking on the export button, you can download a file containing a detailed breakdown of your TikTok performance metrics. You can:

  • Export as PDF
  • Send PDF
  • Schedule PDF

This is all about TikTok Analytics 💫


Q1: What kind of data does TikTok Analytics provide?

A: TikTok Analytics provides data for public posts only. It does not provide privacy for posts marked “Private” or “Mutual follow friends.”

Q2: How often is the TikTok Analytics data updated?

A: TikTok data is fetched once a day.

Q3: Is there a limit to how far back I can view analytics data on TikTok?

A: The insights data starts the day you connect your account, and you'll see all the data for your posts right from the beginning.

  1. Can I export TikTok Analytics data for further analysis?
  1. Can I access TikTok Analytics for multiple TikTok accounts?
  • Users are only able to access the data of TikTok accounts that are connected to ContentStudio.
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