Link Shortener

With each of your social media posts, you can invite your audience toward your sales, deals, promotions, or offers via a call to action. All link shortening plugins are connected against your selected brands and campaigns.

ContentStudio currently offers 4 link-shortener integrations; Replug, Cstu, Firebase Dynamic, and You can see these integrations by navigating to Other Integrations in the Settings.


Click on the Settings icon on the top right-hand side of your home screen.


Here you will be shown all the link shortening accounts you have. Connect your respective account in ContenStudio with which you want to shorten the links by clicking the "Connect" button next to your account.


Clicking on the connect button, you will be redirected to your link shortener app and asked to enter your credentials. This will authorize and connect your account with ContentStudio.

While composing a social post, any link your share will be shortened with the appropriate brand you have selected in your integrated plugin. If you do not want to shorten any link, just select "No Shortening" in the "other integrations".
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