How to manage pending approvals in planner

ContentStudio allows you to review and approve content before publishing to ensure quality control and avoid any mistakes. With the In Review feature, you can manage posts that need approval, handle missed reviews, and bulk-approve multiple posts in one go.

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In this article:

Manage In Review content

Navigate to Planner -> Filter by Status -> In Review.
All posts that require your approval before publishing will appear in this list. If you're an Admin or Super Admin, and you've restricted your team from publishing without review, such posts will be shown here.
To approve a post, click on Approve.

A popup will appear, click Yes, Approve.

Manage Missed Review content

If you miss reviewing content before the scheduled time, it won't be published. Instead, it will move to the Missed Review section.

Go to Planner > Filter by Status > Missed Review.
View all posts that were missed due to delayed approval.
Click Approve on a post.

You can reschedule the post to a new date and approve it before the new scheduled time, or you can choose to Post now.

Bulk approve all In Review content

To approve multiple posts at once, follow these steps:

Go to Planner > Filter by Status > In Review.
Click on Select All to view all posts. Click on Bulk Action > Approve.

Click on Yes, Approve to approve all posts in one go.


Q1: Will I be notified when a post is moved to the Missed Review section?

A: No, there is no direct notification for missed reviews, but you can filter posts by 'Missed Review' status in the Planner to track such posts.

Q2: How long does a post stay in the In Review or Missed Review section?

A: The post will remain in the respective section until manually approved or rescheduled. Such posts are not auto-deleted or expire.

Q3: Is there a way to track which admin approved a post?

A: Yes, you can view the approval history of each post by clicking on the post in the Planner. It shows who approved the content and when.

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