How to save Hashtags

A hashtag is a short word or a phrase that is used with the '#' hash sign to represent something. In social media marketing, these hashtags are used to give an idea of the product, to make your audience curious about your product, and describe the specification of the product.

In order to use hashtags for your product, you can save a set of hashtags at once that you use frequently to save your time. So you can quickly pick any of these saved hashtags while composing a campaign or post.

Have a look at these instructions, which help you to save hashtags using Contentstudio.

Go to Settings, click on Miscellaneous located under the source on the right side of the dashboard.
On this screen, you'll see Saved Hashtags where you need to click on the Add New button.

After clicking on it, Pop up appears which requires information regarding the new addition, there you need to add a Name for the set and the Hashtags that you want to use when selecting this particular set of hashtags. You can also choose for the app to automatically pick a number of random hashtags from the specified set ('Randomly choose "1" hashtag(s) for each post').

Append: The hashtags you selected will be added at the end of the post, which you'd like to share on your social channels.

Replace (if the keyword is matching): This option lets you match the text of your post with the hashtag title and replace it with a hashtag if the text matches.

For example, if the hashtag you enter is ‘# marketing’ and if it matches the text 'marketing' in the post, it is replaced with the hashtag ‘#marketing’ and added to your post.

In the last step, click on the Save button and your set of hashtags will be added successfully.

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