How to save Hashtags

Hashtags, marked with a #, are essential for categorizing content, sparking curiosity, and highlighting product features in social media marketing.

With ContentStudio, you can save frequently used hashtag sets for quick access. This helps streamline your workflow and ensures consistency while creating posts or campaigns.

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Step-by-step process

Here’s how to save and manage hashtags effectively:

Go to Your Profile -> Miscellaneous.

Locate to the Saved Hashtags. Click Add New to add a new hashtag.

A pop-up appears requiring details for the new addition.
    • Add a Name for the hashtag set.
    • Enter the Hashtags you want to include in the set.
    • Optionally, enable the app to randomly select a specific number of hashtags from the set (e.g., "Randomly choose '1' hashtag(s) for each post."
    • Replace (if the keyword matches): This function matches text in your post with the hashtag title and replaces it with the corresponding hashtag if a match is found.
      • Example: If you use the hashtag #marketing and the word marketing appears in your post, it will be replaced with #marketing and added to your post.

  • The selected hashtags will be added at the end of your post and ready for you to share on your social channels.

Once filled, click the Save button to save the hashtag. The hashtag will be saved successfully.


Q1: Where are the hashtags added to my post?

A: The selected hashtags will automatically appear at the end of your post, ready to be shared with your audience on social media.

Q2: Can I modify or remove a saved hashtag set after creating it?

A: Yes, you can go to Miscellaneous in your profile to manage your saved hashtags. From there, you can edit or delete any set as needed.

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