How Can I Export Influencer List to CSV?

In today’s day and age, it’s impossible to not come across influencers on social media. Some social media platforms even recommend top influencer accounts to follow when the new users sign up. Users’ interaction with social media influencers begins right after signing up on the social network. That's why ContentStudio has made it easy to identify, analyze, and interact with influencers. 

Select your platform and search up your particular industry. 

For example, I'm going to search for travel bloggers on Twitter.

Click on Filters  to further tone down your results.

Select the preferred influencer type and the country of residence

After the results have been filtered, Click on Export into CSV.

Select the fields you want to export. 

Once exported, you can now analyze the shortlisted, final influencers!

You can tag these specific influencers on Twitter and interact with them directly from the ContentStudio platform!

Happy tweeting!

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