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Google My Business post is misssing

One of the following three errors might be the cause for your Google My Business post not appearing:

1) A word in your post has been flagged as inappropriate preventing it from being sent.

2) Your post was not sent due to your permissions being revoked

3) Your business profile is in a category that is ineligible for posting (e.g. hotels)

Log in to your GMB account to see if your post was flagged for containing inappropriate words; this post will be displayed as a rejected post. Certain posts rejected due to permissions may not display an error in your GMB account.

View your Social Error Log to see if your account is eligible to post. In case it was ineligible, an error message will state the following, "Failed [Creating/Updating a local post is not authorized for this location]."

This message clarifies that your account is not eligible to post. For further information, click on the link to view googles guidelines for representing your business with them.

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