ContentStudio's Onboarding Widget: Helping You to Utilize the Platform Fully

The Onboarding widget operates on the workspace level and will be visible to all team members so that they are aware of the progress made with Content Studio. This widget helps highlight features of the platform so that you are able to utilize the platform fully.

The Badge:

Helps indicate how many steps are still pending.

How does it help?

Connect social accounts

First and foremost, you need to connect your social accounts with ContentStudio in order to utilize features that allow you to (i)post on the social channels, (ii)view analytics, (iii)create automation recipes, and (iv)reply to messages via social inbox.

Create your first post!

After connecting your social accounts, create your first post on any of the supported social media platforms through ContentStudio. The post composer is really simple to use (Refer to help docs here in case you get stuck anywhere).

Create publishing queues

Through Content Categories, you can easily manage your post’s scheduling by creating custom slots for each type of category.

Discover engaging content

For content discovery, simply go to Discover and create new or follow existing custom topics, search content for your niche, or alternatively add an RSS feed. In addition, utilize engagement metrics and sentiments analysis for the content you discover.

Invite team members

Easily invite your team members to Content Studio so that they can help you make the best of the robust functionalities of the content marketing platform.

Book a demo

If you need help getting started with the platform, request a demo to book a call with our Customer Support representative who will walk you through all the basics.

Not interested in this widget?

If you’re a well-seasoned ContentStudio user, simply dismiss the ‘getting started’ widget. You have the option to either remove it from the current workspace or remove it from all present and future workspaces.

PS: if you want to bring the widget back at any time you can go to your workspace basic settings and enable the widget again and click on “Update”

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