Youtube Errors While Publishing
If you're facing an error while publishing to Youtube, please find the most frequent errors below with their solution:
Error 1:
'Channel Not Found'
Please try using the owner's Google account and then try connecting. Even if you have manager access to a YouTube channel, you will not be able to add it to ContentStudio
Error 2:
The request metadata specifies an invalid or empty video title or The request metadata specifies an invalid video description.
This publishing error is a result of the video title (or video description) that contains character(s) that aren't allowed by YouTube. Please note YouTube allows all UTF-8 characters, except angled brackets (><). Modify your video title/description accordingly.
Error 3:
'Playlist not found'
This error usually happens when a playlist to which you've added your video initially, has been deleted from YouTube channel. Please choose another playlist (or leave the playlist field empty) and then try to re-publish
Error 4:
'The request metadata specifies invalid video keywords'
This error usually happens when a video has an excessive number of tags used - YouTube allows a max of 500 characters to be used for all tags, including spaces. Please reduce the number of tags used and keep only the ones relevant to the video