Compose a blog post - Distribution

Once you're done with the SEO settings for your blog post, next you have to distribute it across your social channels.

Step 3Distribution

The penultimate step in the blog composition process is  distribution. Here you have the opportunity to select the blog platform you want your content to be published to.

In this article, the following topics will be covered.

Select your desired channel from the provided options to which you want to post. 

Primary Channel

The primary channel should be your main blogging platform. This is where your post gets published first. You can select only 1 primary channel here to avoid a duplicate content issue.

  • The options presented are Wordpress, Tumblr, and Medium. Choose an appropriate primary channel as well as the publishing profile (WordPress Author) you have pre-added in the platforms as shown below.
  • Select your Wordpress blog, select the profile through which you will be publishing i.e. Author and assign an appropriate category to your blog if you have already created them in your Wordpress account. 

Now you have the option to either publish or save your work as a draft. As mentioned earlier, saving as a “draft” option was not previously available.

Click on the Add button to continue. You will be notified that the primary channel has been added.

You can now choose to publish the blog immediately or schedule it for later. Scheduling it means that you have to select a time and a date from the options bar presented to you.

Secondary Channel

As soon as you are finished with selecting the primary channels, you will see the option to select your secondary channel. You can add multiple secondary channels to amplify your content’s outreach. This magic recipe lets you exhibit similar content on different channels but without duplication. Also if you share content on social media from your blog channels, it will be shared only once through the primary channel and not multiple time.

  • Your secondary channel might include WordPress, Tumblr or medium blogs channels as well as your social media channels. You can add them one by one as shown below. Suppose the secondary channel you want to add is a Tumblr blog.
  • The similar content could dwell on different secondary channels. But, they would all redirect to the canonical URL (the focal URL of your primary channel). Click on the add button to add this profile as your secondary channel for publishing.

  • You have the option to publish this content immediately or schedule it for later by choosing appropriate date and time from the drop-down menu.

Social Channels

The final step is adding social channels on which you want to share content. Select the channels from the list provided. The ones you select will be highlighted as shown below. 

Once you have selected the channels, scroll back up and click on Review and Publish to move on to the final step which is explained in the next article .

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