How to Approve/Reject a post using ContentStudio
Whenever a team member assigns you a post to approve before it gets scheduled to be published, the following is what you can do with the post as an Approver
- Approve a post before it is scheduled to be published
- Reject a post If you do not want it to be published on your social media platform
- Add Comments for the other team members
- Mention other team members in the comments
- Reschedule the post that you haven't reviewed and the scheduled time has passed
Get access to the assigned post:
Whenever a team member assigns you (an approver) a post to approve, you will get an Email Notification on your registered email address and a Notification within the ContentStudio app from which you can directly get access to the post.
A: Open the post via Email :
- Open your registered email
- Click on the "Review Content" button
- If you are already logged in you will be navigated directly to the assigned post otherwise you would have to log in to view the post
B: Open the post via In-App Notification:
- Login to your Contentstudio's account
- Click on the bell icon and you will see the notification list
- Click on the desired notification
- You will be navigated to the post
Under Review Posts
A.1: Approve Post
This option allows you to approve the assigned post before it gets scheduled to be published.
- Get access to the post that is assigned to you for approval (follow the steps mentioned above in "**Get access to the assigned post**"
- Review the assigned post and click Approve Button
The assigned post is approved and marked as scheduled whereas the assignor is notified via email / in-app notification
A.2: Approve Post with Comments
This option allows you to leave comments while approving the assigned post before it gets scheduled to be published.
- Get access to the post that is assigned to you for approval (follow the steps mentioned above in "**Get access to the assigned post**"
- Review the assigned post
- Click arrow dropdown with Approve Button and click Approve with Comment
- Enter your comments and click Add & Approve
The assigned post is approved and marked as scheduled whereas the assignor is notified via email / in-app notification
B.1: Reject Post
This option rejects the post, preventing it from being published (further explanation below)
- Get access to the post that is assigned to you for approval (follow the steps mentioned above in "**Get access to the assigned post**"
- Review the assigned post and click Reject Button
- The assigned post is rejected and the assignor is notified via email / in-app notification
B.2: Reject Post with Comments
This option allows you to leave comments while rejecting the assigned post and moving it to the Rejected status.
- Get access to the post that is assigned to you for approval (follow the steps mentioned above in "**Get access to the assigned post**"
- Review the assigned post
- Click arrow dropdown with Reject Button and click Reject with Comment
- Enter your comments and click Add & Reject
- The assigned post is rejected and the assignor is notified via email / in-app notification
C: Draft Post - Approve/Reject:
Since a draft post does not have a scheduled time to post, when approving the post you would be asked to either Post Now or Schedule it for a future date.
Rejecting the draft post will reject the post automatically and will not ask for a scheduled time
Missed Review Posts
This happens when you cross the planned date/time of posting without approving or rejecting the post. You can access the Missed review post by going into the Filters and selecting "**Missed Review**" or by clicking on the notification
Things an Approver can do with a missed review post:
- Schedule
- Add to Content Category
- Add to Queue
- Skip
Schedule: since the previously scheduled time has already passed you can reschedule it to a future time.
Posts that have previously been scheduled will show the option to schedule only.
Add to Queue, publishing at the next queued time slot.
Posts that had been added to Queue will show the option to either to schedule or add to the queue after approval.
Add to Content Category, publishing at the set time slot for that content category.
Posts that had been added to a Content Category will show the option to either Schedule or add to Content Category after approval.
Skip: You can leave the post to be approved by someone else from your team by clicking on Skip, someone else will do this! In this case, other team members will have an option to approve the post instead of you.
Approval Status
View the current status of the post, if it is published, scheduled, or awaiting approval
- Get access to the post that is assigned to you for approval (follow the steps mentioned above in "**Get access to the assigned post**"
- Review the assigned post
- Click on the "Approval Status" button
When the post is Approved the status is shown like this
Approval Types:

a: Approval from everyone
This means that every assignee from the team has to approve the post before it gets scheduled to be published
*Rejection of these posts from any assigned team member would trump all other approvals and the post will be rejected.
b: Approval from anyone
This means that any assignee from the team can approve the post before it gets scheduled to be published Rejection would need to take place before any of the assigned team members approves the post, otherwise the post will be approved and will be scheduled to post.
Planner Views:
1: Feed View
The **Feed View** displays all content of the workspace that was created in an **interactive-visual manner**, showing the **media**, **content,** and **status** of the post in a preview manner. Here you can **Comment**, **Approve**, **Reject**, and check the s**tatus** of the post based on its **publication status (Approved, Published, Rejected, Scheduled, etc)**.
2: List View/View Content
To view, all created posts in a **listed** and **informative** manner.
3: Calendar View
To have a **birds-eye view** of all the projects scheduled for the week or month, click on the **Calendar View** tab.
You can approve/reject the post directly from this view by clicking their respective icons.
Applying Filters :
The following list defines the meaning of filters:
1) Status
- Scheduled: All posts that are scheduled to be published at a specified time
- Published: All posts that have been published
- Failed: Posts that have failed to get published
- Rejected: Posts that were rejected by an approver " Post is seen in rejected when an approver clicks on reject button after it is sent for approval "
- Under Review: All posts scheduled or drafted that are pending approval from assigned team members. "Posts that are sent for approval and no action is performed by the assigned team member, it is not approved or rejected yet then it is seen in Under Review "
- Missed Review: Posts past their scheduled posting time and are still pending approval from the assigned team member.
- Draft: Posts that have been drafted for revision or review.
2) Assigned to The member of the group a post has been assigned to for review, approval, etc.
3) Created By: The team member who created the post
4) Labels: Labels that have been used on posts for quick filtering. Select the filter to isolate posts that have been labeled with the selection
5) Content Categories: Posts that have been published via a Content Category
Clicking on the three dots located at the top-right corner of the app will open up Settings
Your Profile
Clicking on Your Profile will lead to your profile personalisation where you will have 2 options you can make changes to
Basic Details
- First Name: Set a first name that you would like your team members to see
- Last Name: Set your last name that you would like your team members to see
- Email: Set the email you would like this account to be connected to for all processes
- Profile Picture: You can also add a profile picture to your account
Change Password
- Old Password: Enter your old password for authentication purposes
- New Password: Enter the new password you would like to set on this account
- Confirm New Password: Re-enter the same New Password that you would like to set on this account
Email Notification Settings
How often
- Immediately: Have an email notification sent to you as soon as a task is assigned
- Once in an hour: An email notification will be sent to you once every hour
- Never: Do not get any email notification.
- Always: Recieve an email notification regardless of your online state
- Idle or Offline: Receive an email notification only when you are idle or offline
Change Workspace
You can change your workspace by clicking on either icon in the top-left corner of the app as shown in the image below
After that, you will be redirected to the All Workspaces page where your workspaces will be presented to you in a chiclet manner. Clicking on a workspace will redirect you to the dashboard of that workspace
View Notes: Clicking on this will show any internal notes written for this workspace