Instagram analytics revamp

The Instagram Analytics📈 module has been revamped to offer a more insightful and visually engaging experience. With new visuals and detailed graphs, you can now track key metrics more efficiently and understand your content performance at a glance. These updates make it easier to analyze trends, optimize your strategy, and make data-driven decisions to enhance your social media presence. 💥

Let's dig in! 💥

In this article:

💡 Keep in Mind

  • Upon connecting your Instagram account, ContentStudio gathers metrics and insights displayed after a single refresh.

Accessing Instagram analytics

Step 1: Navigate to Analyze from the dashboard.

Step 2: Go to "Social Analytics," then click "Instagram" in the left panel. This opens up your Instagram analytics dashboard.

Analytics dashboard

Once you're in the Instagram Analytics section, you'll notice three main tabs to explore: the Overview Tab, the Demographics Tab, and the Posts Tab.

Overview tab

Here, you get a high-level snapshot of your Instagram performance. The Overview tab provides key metrics and trends at a glance.

  • Your first Instagram account is selected by default, but you can select any from the dropdown if you have multiple pages.
  • Select a date range to analyze; the default is the past 30 days. Predefined ranges are also available for quick selection.

Overview cards

As you explore the Instagram Analytics dashboard, you'll see several informative cards packed with essential data about your Instagram account. Each card contains:

  • Total count
  • Net increase or decrease as compared to the previous time period
  • Percentage rate of change as compared to previous time periods

N/A: means that the data is not available.

View your key profile performance metrics from the reporting period.

  • Followers: The total number of followers your account has gained from its creation to the selected end date.
  • Following: The total number of accounts your profile has followed from its creation to the selected end date.
  • Account Engaged: The total number of unique accounts that interacted with your content from the time of connection with ContentStudio to the selected end date.
  • Profile Views: The total number of times your profile was viewed from the time of connection with ContentStudio to the selected end date.
  • Profile Reach: The total number of unique accounts that saw your profile content from the time of connection with ContentStudio to the selected end date.
  • Profile Impressions: The total number of times your content was displayed to the audience from the time of connection with ContentStudio to the selected end date.
  • Profile Engagement: The total interactions (likes, comments, shares) on your profile content from the time of connection with ContentStudio to the selected end date.
  • Total Post: The total number of posts published within the selected date range.
  • Post Engagement: The total number of interactions (likes, comments, saves) on posts published during the selected date range.
  • Post Impression: The total number of times your posts were displayed (impressions) during the selected date range.
  • Post Reach: The total number of unique accounts that saw your posts published within the selected date range.
  • Engagements Rate: The percentage of interactions relative to your total followers for posts published within the selected date range.

Audience Growth Graph

Audience Growth is the increase in the number of followers on your Instagram page over a period of time.

The graph has two views:

  • Daily Audience Growth: This tracker tracks the daily change in audience size by showing the number of new followers gained and lost over time. Positive values indicate growth, while negative values reflect a decline. Data is displayed for the selected date range.
  • Cumulative Audience Growth: This shows the cumulative growth in your audience over time, reflecting the total number of new followers gained and retained across the selected period.

The X-axis maps the selected time period, while the Y-axis tracks the metric count. Hover over a data point to see the values of both. 

Audience Growth Rollup

Audience Rollup shows key metrics like total followers and followers gained during the selected time period. Insights are available when your Instagram account is connected to the ContentStudio.

On the right section, you can see audience growth roll up that shows the following:

  • Followers- Total number of followers.
  • Followers gained- Total followers gained in the selected time period.

Audience Growth Rollup has a percentage value with an up or down arrow, indicating the change (growth or decline) compared to the previous period of the same length.

Publishing Behaviour

The Instagram Publishing Behavior section displays a graph summarizing the number of posts you've published within a specified timeframe.

The graph has three views:

  • Impressions: Publishing Behavior by Impressions shows the number of times your posts are displayed to users during the selected time period, helping you understand the visibility and reach of your content. Hovering your mouse over the graph will reveal the following:
    • Impressions: The total number of times users have seen your account content.
    • Total Posts: The total number of posts.
  • Engagements: Publishing Behavior by Engagement measures the interactions (likes, comments, saves) your posts receive during the selected time period, reflecting how actively users are engaging with your content. Hovering over the graph will reveal the following:
    • Likes: Number of likes your posts received.
    • Comments: Number of comments your posts received.
    • Saves: Number of times your posts have been saved.
    • Total Posts: The total number of posts.
  • Reach: Publishing Behavior by Reach indicates how many unique users have seen your posts published during the selected time period, providing insight into the extent of your content’s visibility. Hovering over the graph will reveal the following:
    • Reach: Total reach of your posts.
    • Total Posts: The total number of posts.

The X-axis maps the selected time period, while the Y-axis tracks the metric count. To focus on a single metric, click on the others below the graph to hide their data.

You can also filter the graph by post type:

  • Images
  • Videos
  • Carousel
  • Reels

Publishing Behaviour Breakdown

This graph compares the performance metrics (engagement, reach, impressions) across different Instagram post types (Reels, Images, Carousels) to help optimize your content strategy.

Instagram Top Hashtags

Displays the top hashtags used in your posts, showing engagement and usage frequency. This data provides insights into which hashtags are most effective for your content.

Hashtag rollup

You can check your hashtag performance using total hashtags, times used, engagements, likes, comments, and saves.

On the right section, you can see a hashtag roll-up that shows the following:

  • Hashtags: The total number of hashtags applied in your posts during the selected time period.
  • Times Used: The total number of hashtags used across your posts within the selected period.
  • Engagement: The overall engagement (likes, comments, saves) generated by posts with hashtags during the selected time period.
  • Likes: The total number of likes received on posts with hashtags within the selected time period.
  • Comments: The total number of comments on posts with hashtags during the selected time period.
  • Saves: The total number of times posts with hashtags were saved by users during the selected time period.

Instagram Active Users

Instagram Active Users section provides insights into the times when your fans are most active on Instagram, offering a graphical breakdown of:

  • Active Users by Hours - It shows the number of active fans at each hour of the day.
  • Active Users by Days - It shows the number of active fans on each day of the week.

The X-axis shows hours (0 - 23), and the Y-axis displays active user counts. Hover over data points on the graph to see exact counts by days or hours. Below the graphs, find the Best Hour and Best Day to post for your content.

Instagram Reel Performance

Using this graph, you can review the performance of reels posted during the selected time period in terms of initial plays, watch time, and engagement.

The graph has three views:

  • Engagement: Engagement measures user interactions with your reel, including likes, comments, and shares during the selected time period, highlighting how well your content resonates with viewers. Hovering over the graph reveals:
    • Likes: Number of likes your reels received.
    • Comments: Number of comments your reels received.
    • Saved: Number of times your reels were saved.
    • Total Reels: The total number of reels.
  • Watch time (sec): Watch Time (sec) shows the total number of seconds users have spent watching your reel posted during the selected time period, reflecting how engaging and captivating your content is. Hovering over the graph reveals:
    • Watch Time: the number of seconds users have spent watching your reel.
    • Total Reels: The total number of reels.
  • Shares: Shares display the number of times your Reels were shared during the selected time period, helping you track engagement over time. Hovering over the graph reveals:
    • Shares: Number of times your reels were shared.
    • Total Reels: The total number of reels.

Reels Rollup

You can check your reels' performance using total watch time, average view length, number of plays, reach, and engagement.

On the right section, you can see engagements roll up that shows the following:

    • Reels: The total number of reels published on your page during the specified period.
    • Watch Time (Sec): The cumulative amount of time users have spent watching your Reels posted during the selected time period.
    • Avg. Time Watched: The average time users have spent watching your Reels posted during the selected time period.
    • Engagements:  The total interactions received during the selected time period.
    • Likes: The total likes received during the selected time period.
    • Comments: The total number of comments left on your reel posted during the selected time period. 
    • Saved: The total number of times your reels were saved during the selected time period. 
    • Shares: The number of times your Reels posted during the selected time period have been shared by users.

The X-axis shows the date, and the Y-axis displays the engagementswatch time, and the shares.

Instagram Story Performance

The Instagram Stories performance graph lets you review how people reacted to stories you published during a selected date range.

The graph has three views:

  • Interaction: Initial Plays measure the number of times your reel posted during the selected time period was played, indicating its immediate reach and viewer interest. Hovering over the graph reveals:
    • Initial Plays: the number of times your reel was played
    • Total Reels: the total number of reels.
  • Impression: Watch Time (sec) shows the total number of seconds users have spent watching your reel posted during the selected time period, reflecting how engaging and captivating your content is. Hovering over the graph reveals:
    • Watch Time: the number of seconds users have spent watching your reel.
    • Total Reels: the total number of reels.
  • Reach: Engagement measures user interactions with your reel posted during the selected time period, including likes, comments, and shares, highlighting how well your content resonates with viewers. Hovering over the graph reveals:
    • Engagements: the total number of user interactions with your reel.
    • Total Reels: the total number of reels.

Stories Rollup

In the right section, you can see the overall stories rollup metrics, such as:

  • Stories: The total number of stories posted during the selected time period.
  • Impressions: This shows how often your stories appeared on screens during the selected time period.
  • Avg. Impressions: This shows the average amount of times your stories appeared on screens during the selected time period.
  • Reach: Reach indicates the total number of unique users who have seen your stories posted during the selected time period.
  • Taps Forward: The number of times someone tapped to skip to the next piece of your story.
  • Taps Backward: The number of times someone tapped to return to your story's previous piece.
  • Exits: The number of times someone left the story's viewer to return to their News Feed.

Instagram Top Posts

The 5 top-performing posts for the selected period are in the Instagram Top Posts section. The posts with the most engagements, reactions, comments, shares, impressions, clicks, and post types are included in the top posts. For each of the listed posts, we show the following:

  • Engagements: Total fan interactions (comments, shares, likes, clicks) with your top post.
  • Reactions: The total number of reactions your top posts received.
  • Comments: Number of comments your top post received.
  • Shares: Number of shares your top posts received.
  • Impressions: The number of times people saw your top post.
  • Clicks: The total number of clicks on your top posts.
  • Post Types: Post types include text, share, or reel.

You can see the ↗️ icon on the top right corner of each post. This icon will redirect you to your Instagram account, where your top post has been published.

Demographics tab

The Demographics 📊 tab within your analytics dashboard displays information on your audience demographics, such as age, gender, and location, helping you tailor content to your key audience.

  • Go to the Demographics tab.

The demographics tab shows your top audience by gender and age, as well as your top location.

Audience by Age

Audience by Age shows your fans' age breakdown in the selected period. Loading bars represent different age ranges and show how many fans belong to each range. The total number of fans in each range is also written before the range numbers.

Audience by Gender

Audience by Gendershows you the breakdown of your fans by gender in the selected time period. You can see a pie chart comprising three colored segments:

  • Blue - Representing the Male Count
  • Red - Representing the Female Count
  • Green - Representing the Unspecified Count

Hover your mouse over a segment of the pie chart to see the percentage of each gender. The total count of each gender is displayed below the chart. To focus on a specific gender, click on the others below the chart to hide their segments.

Below both sections, you will see the Leading force among your fans based on the highest gender and age values.

Audience by Top Countries & Cities
  • Audience Top Countries

This graph displays the top countries your Instagram account audience originates from. The length of each bar represents the percentage of your audience that comes from that specific country.

  • Audience Top Cities

This graph displays the top cities from which your Instagram account audience originates. The length of each bar represents the percentage of your audience that comes from that specific city.

Posts Tab

Posts tab

The "Posts" tab displays the posts that received the most Impressions, Reach, Engagements, Likes, Comments, Shares and Saved during the selected period.

For each of the listed Instagram top posts, we show its top metrics:

  • Posts: Preview of the post content, including images or text.
  • Media Type: The format of the post—Reels, Image, Carousel, or Video.
  • Impressions: The total number of times this post was displayed to users.
  • Reach: The total number of unique accounts that saw this post.
  • Engagements: The total interactions (likes, comments, saves) this post received.
  • Likes: The total number of likes this post received.
  • Comments: The total number of comments left on this post.
  • Saved: The total number of times this post was saved by users.

You can click on each post for a detailed view with more metrics.

Clicking on a post will open a pop-up window showing a Preview of that post with below statistics:

  • Engagements
  • Impressions
  • Reach
  • Likes
  • Comments
  • Saved
  • Type

Your top post's image may not display if the selected time range is too long (e.g., last 1-2 years). This usually happens due to a token expiry.

Save and analyze your Instagram metrics

The Export button in the analytics dashboard provides a convenient way to extract and save your analytics data for further analysis or reporting.

You can download a file containing a detailed breakdown of your TikTok performance metrics by clicking on the export button. You can:

  • Export as PDF
  • Send PDF
  • Schedule PDF

Interface changes: before vs. after

Overview tiles 

Before, the Instagram Overview tiles looked like this.

Now, the user interface has been updated to provide a more intuitive experience, allowing users to view metrics and data either page-wise or post-wise, offering greater flexibility and clarity in analyzing Instagram performance.

Instagram Audience Growth 

Before, the Instagram Audience Growth widget looked like this:

The Instagram Audience Growth widget now has a dropdown menu, allowing users to view audience growth Daily or as Cumulative data. The user interface has also been enhanced to provide a smoother and more user-friendly experience.

Instagram Publishing Behavior 

Previously, the Instagram Publishing Behavior data was displayed across three separate widgets.

The Instagram Publishing Behavior data has now been divided into three widgets. A dropdown has been introduced, allowing users to toggle between viewing publishing behavior data by Impressions,  Engagements, or Reach for a more comprehensive and flexible analysis.

Publishing Behavior Breakdown

A new widget for publishing behavior breakdown has been introduced to compare performance metrics (engagement, reach, impressions) across different Instagram post types (Reels, Images, and Carousels) to help optimize your content strategy.

Top hashtags

Before, the top hashtags widget looked like this.

It has been improved, and the hashtag rollup data has been added.

Active Users by Hours & Active Users by Days

Before, the Active Users by Hours & Active Users by Days look like this.

The "Active Users by Hours & Days" widget has undergone a user interface improvement, making it more visually appealing and more accessible to interpret. These enhancements provide a more intuitive view of user activity patterns over time.

Instagram Reel Performance.

A new Reels Performance widget has been introduced, offering a streamlined and user-friendly experience.

Instagram Stories Performance

Before the widget for Instagram stories looked like this

Now widget has undergone a user interface improvement, making it more visually appealing and more accessible to interpret. These enhancements provide a more intuitive view of user activity patterns over time.

Top Posts

Previously, the "Top Posts" widget displayed three posts.

Now, users can view the top 5 posts in the "Top Posts" section, with an option to dive deeper into the details of each post. The user interface has also been improved for a smoother and more intuitive experience.


In the Demographics section, only the design of all widgets has been updated, providing a more modern and user-friendly interface while maintaining the existing data and functionality.

Audience Top Countries 

Before, the Audience Top Countries widget looked like this. 

The Audience Top Country widget's design has been updated, offering a more modern and streamlined look. It now displays country-specific audience data in a visually engaging format, enhancing readability and usability for users analyzing their top audience regions.

Audience Top Cities 

Before, the Audience Top Cities widget looked like this. 

The Audience Top Cities widget's design has been refreshed, giving it a more modern and visually appealing layout. It now presents city-specific audience data in a cleaner, more organized format, making it easier for users to analyze their top audience cities at a glance.

Audience by Age 

Before, the Audience by Age widget looked like this. 

The Audience by Age widget has received a design update, presenting age demographics in a more visually engaging and structured format. This new design makes it easier for users to interpret audience age distribution at a glance, improving the overall user experience.

Audience by Gender 

Before, the Audience by Gender widget looked like this: 

The Audience by Gender widget has been redesigned, featuring a cleaner and more modern look. The updated design improves readability, making it easier for users to analyze gender distribution within their audience at a glance.


Q1. How often is the Instagram Analytics data updated?

A. Instagram data is fetched once a day.

Q2. Can I export Instagram Analytics data for further analysis?

A. Yes, you can export the Instagram Analytics data using the export button. For more details, read Save and analyze your Instagram metrics.

Q3. Can I access Instagram Analytics for multiple Instagram accounts?

A. Users are only able to access the data of Instagram accounts that are connected to ContentStudio.

This is all about Instagram Analytics 💫

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