Remove a workspace

Effective workspace management is critical for maintaining a clean and organized workflow. ContentStudio introduces the Remove Workspace feature, which allows you to remove unused or outdated workspaces. This article will walk you through every step of the process.

In this article:

Steps to remove a workspace

Navigate to the Workspaces section in the application and click View All.

Find the Remove icon next to the workspace name. Click on the Remove icon.

A confirmation pop-up will appear. The pop-up includes the following information:

To confirm, click the Yes button on the confirmation pop-up.
The selected workspace will be soft-deleted and no longer appear in the list of active workspaces.


Q1. Who can remove a workspace?

A: Only the super admin can remove a workspace.

Q2. What happens to my subscription plan limits after I remove a workspace?

A: Removing a workspace will free up a slot in your plan, allowing you to create a new workspace immediately.

Q3. Will other users in the workspace be notified if I remove it?

A: Yes, removing a workspace will notify other users.

Q4. What happens to scheduled posts in a removed workspace?

A: The workspace publishing will be paused, and scheduled posts will be converted to draft.

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