Invite Instagram Collaborators

Have you given the Instagram collab feature a go?

Instagram's collab posts swiftly became a go-to tool for brands, creators, and influencers. This new feature allows you to collaborate with another account to jointly create posts, effectively placing your content in front of the ideal audience.

In this article, we'll explore the magic of Instagram collab posts and learn how they can seamlessly integrate into your social media strategy, offering you a strategic advantage in the market. 😊

Let's dive in 😘

In this article:

What is an Instagram collab post?

An Instagram Collaboration post is a special post shared between two accounts, showcasing both users as its creator.

Collaborations on Instagram allow multiple accounts to reach a larger audience, especially when up to three collaborators join a single post. This expanded exposure aids in brand building and enhances brand recognition on the platform.

How to create an Instagram collab post?

  1. Open the ContentStudio app.
  2. Head to Compose > Social Post

  1. In the composer, create a new post by adding the caption, media, etc. Now, in Instagram settings, add collaborators; write the exact username of the profile you want to add as a collaborator. You can invite up to 3 other Instagram accounts as collaborators for your post. Search for the accounts, and then Save collaborator when finished.

Note: We are not able to verify the usernames you enter. However, we do give you the option to verify that the username exists. Click on the button "Verify" next to the username. This will open the Instagram account natively on another web page.

You can schedule the post or publish it as normal.

Note: If any accounts you've invited as collaborators are set to Private or have restricted profiles, your post won't publish. This is because the Instagram API only permits public accounts without restrictions.

How do collaborators accept my invitation?

After the post is published, all subsequent actions occur on Instagram. Invited collaborators receive notifications about being added to your post and can choose to accept or reject the invitation:

  • If they accept, their name will appear alongside the original creator's, and the post will appear on their Instagram profile and in their followers' feeds.

If they decline the invitation, their name won't be displayed alongside the original creator's. However, they will still appear tagged in the image, and the post will appear in their Instagram profile's 'Tagged' section.

Important 💥

You cannot directly verify from ContentStudio whether the invitation was sent to the other person or not; for this, you have to check from Instagram.


  1. What happens if a collaborator's account is private?
  • If a collaborator's account is private or has restricted profiles, the post won't publish due to Instagram API restrictions.
  1. Will my collaborators be notified before I publish the post?
  • No, collaborators are only notified after the post has been published on Instagram.
  1. Which post type allows you to add collaborators?
  • Collaborators can be added to the feed and reels.

That is all about Instagram collab posts 😊

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