What is Planner and how to view posts in Planner?

What is Planner?

This module helps you view all your planned and published posts for your social media and blog channels. ContentStudio gives you the ability to schedule your posts and blogs which are under review and for filtering them further.

You can give the label to every individual post and locate the content whenever you need it without wasting your time. You can easily track the due dates of your posts and establish your work plans weekly, monthly, and yearly. You can add Team Members for managing and controlling the activities in the planner and collaborate with your team to create a powerful plan.

Let's talk about how you can view the posts in Planner. You can view your work plans in two different formats.

Log into ContentStudio.

Now, starting from the ContentStudio's Dashboard, click on the Publish located on the navigation bar.

After that, you'll see two options on the left-hand side as Calendar View and List View.

Calendar View

In ContentStudio, the Calendar view lets you view your schedule posts on the calendar for each day.

If you want to view your post in a Calendar form then click on the Calendar and select the social media channels where you have posted your content or blog.

ContentStudio creates a convenience for you to find the scheduled posts on the basis of Month and Week. If you're looking for the post which is scheduled weekly then click on Week and your weekly posts will be shown.

Here, you can quickly overview your scheduled posts in a calendar which you have created and shared on different social and blog channels.

List View 

ContentStudio facilities you by adding 20 scheduled post by default. If you want to view more than 20 posts then you need to scroll down and see more scheduled posts which you have shared on different social sources.

If you want to examine your post in a list form then click on the List View and select the Social media channels. After that, you can preview your posts in a sequence as shown in a below image.

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